Thank you to two valued Omaha-based organizations, the Greater Omaha Chamber and Nonprofit Association of the Midlands, for their leadership in providing action steps to help us all to create just, equitable and accessible systems and communities.
The Greater Omaha Chamber this week communicated CODE, Commitment to Opportunity, Diversity and Equity.
CODE seeks to:
Increase workplace diversity in the workforce, management and senior leadership among Greater Omaha Companies to accurately reflect the demographics of our city.
Increase community/quality of life satisfaction among underrepresented groups.
Assist companies in achieving an increase in diverse employee satisfaction and inclusion ratings.
Provide opportunities for dialogue, engagement, networking and training/education surrounding Diversity and Inclusion.
Increase the number of minority-owned businesses through access to existing networks and resources for training, technical assistance and funding.
Create networking opportunities and support mentorship programs for underrepresented groups.
There is a CODE designed to elevate everyone and charge Greater Omaha with change! Join us in getting involved by reading more at this link:
We also are sharing this important advice from the Nonprofit Association of the Midlands (NAM) to create just, equitable and accessible systems and communities.
Make it an organization-wide priority to educate all staff on white privilege and white supremacy and the insidious nature of each. Examine and amend your own practices to ensure you do not unintentionally reinforce and perpetuate these ideas. Study anti-racism and support your teams in openly confronting racism and bigotry in all its forms.
Educate yourself on the systemic inequities that have been in place for centuries that impact access to the criminal justice system, health care, and other services. Identify ways your organization can be a part of creating a just and equitable playing field.
Educate yourself and your teams on intersectionality and how it impacts our lived experience. Assess your policies, practices and services through this lens and adjust as needed to ensure you honor and make space for the whole person. Intersectionality Defined
If your organization is led primarily by white people, get in the habit of listening more than you talk. Be at the table when finding community solutions, but let the conversation be driven by those most impacted. Take their lead. Do not allow white voices to be the loudest ones in the room. Encourage your white colleagues to do the same.
If you serve or employ people who participate in protests, help them to know their rights, responsibilities, how to stay safe, and how to access legal representation if needed. Know Your Rights: Protesters Rights
Caring for yourself is especially important in times of crisis. Be a model for others by finding balance, taking breaks, and knowing your limits.
Build and maintain relationships with your elected officials, from local to national. Give them the information they need so they can make decisions that are in the best interests of the people and communities you serve.
As it relates to your mission, find ways to communicate with law enforcement and others in the criminal justice system to help them understand how to best serve your community.