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PR and SEO go hand-in-hand

Google search of the word public relations

Public relations (PR) and search engine optimization (SEO) are more alike than we realize.

The most important similarity to note is that PR and SEO are both types of earned traffic. Much like how PR professionals focus their time on garnering earned media coverage, SEO specialists have an ultimate goal of earning higher organic search engine results.

While PR and SEO are both well-known tactics that have traditionally operated separately, their reliance on each other is becoming more necessary in the growing digital age. When used together effectively, PR professionals can begin to see audience reach amplified.

Keep these tips in mind on using PR and SEO together effectively:

Media Mentions could Mean Backlinks

Public Relations professionals work hard to earn coverage in local, regional and national media. When the media mentions an organization on their website and links to that organization’s website, that means they just earned a backlink. Backlinks are created when one website links to another and are important because they act as a signal to search engines that others vouch for your content. To improve the value of an organization’s website and ultimately their search engine rankings, securing backlinks from trusted and reliable websites is a must.

Optimize Keywords for Brand Consistency

A large part of public relations is creating consistent key messaging for clients and their brands. But having a recognizable brand is important to Google, too. Google is the search engine used by 92% of people, so it’s incredibly important to capture Google’s attention. One way to have Google notice your brand is to have consistent keywords on website copy, blog posts and news releases that are posted online. Using the right keywords can improve search engine ranking, but also help with brand messaging. Think: “What words would people use to search for this?”

Cross-utilize Content

There is debate on whether or not social media has any impact on SEO results, but it is certainly a good complement for it. Sharing media coverage on social media can help content get noticed by influencers or bloggers who might end up sharing it on their websites. Ultimately, PR and SEO have the same goal to reach a wider audience, which make cross-sharing content all the more important.

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